Yeni avast
Avast! Professional Edition v4.8.1169
Avast! sisteminizde tam güvenlik sağlayan bir antivirüs yazılımıdır. Bilgisayarınızı hacker saldırılarından ve virüslerden korur. Gelen saldırıları engeller ve size bildirir. İsteğiniz doğrultusunda sisteminizi virüs taramasından geçirir. Programın kolay kullanılabilir arayüzü, e-posta koruması ve otomatik güncellemesi gibi özellikleri vardır. Virüs, solucan ve truva atları (trojan) ile savaşmak ve sisteminizin güvenliğini sağlamak istiyorsanız Avast! Professional Edition yazılımını kullanabilirsiniz.
Avast! Professional Programının Ayrıntılı Özellikleri :
Tüm 32 ve 64 bit tabanlı işletim sistemlerini destekleyebilme
Anlık tarama desteği ile bilgisayarınıza o an bulaşmaya çalışan virüsleri de tespit edebilme
Posta istemci programlarını da destekleyen gelişmiş e-posta tarayıcısı
Program erişimi tarayıcısı ile programlara o anda bulaşmaya çalışan virüs hareketlerini de tanıyıp engelleyebilme
Tema destekli gelişmiş kullanıcı arabirimi (Ürünün programcıları ve sevenleri tarafından hazırlanmış tema eklentilerini buradan önizleyip, innDirebilirsiniz)
Senaryo engelleyicisi ile internetteki tüm sayfalara gizlenen zararlı kodları tam olarak engelleyebilme imkanı
Windows XP ve 2000 üzerinde, bilgisayar açılmadan (DOS kipinde) tarama yapabilme, böylelikle Boot virüslerine karşı da eksiksiz koruma sağlayabilme özelliği
Ekran koruyucusu ve hafızadaki tüm verileri anlık olarak tarayabilme
Klasör paketleme desteği ile virüslü klasörleri tüm erişime kapatabilme imkanı
Gelişmiş dil desteği ile Türkçe dahil olmak üzere birçok dili destekleme
Otomatik güncelleme sayesinde her hafta yeni virüs veritabanı dosyaları ile sürekli güncel kalan alt yapı
Yeni sürümde neler var ?
Sistem taraması seçeneğinde artık sistem DLL dosyaları varsayılan olarak taranmıyor
İyileştirilmiş tarama hızı
Winny2 ve Google Talk taraması desteği
Windows 98 uyumluluğu geliştirmeleri
Exe sıkıştırması ve diğer dosya sıkıştırmaları için dahili tarama desteği
Windows 2003 ve Vista Beta 2 desteği
Windows Sürücü Koruması uyumu geliştirilmesi
Birçok hata giderilmesi ve düzeltmeler
avast! 4 Professional Edition is a collection of high-end technologies
that work in perfect synergy, having one common goal: to give you the
top grade protection against computer viruses. It represents an ideal
solution for any Windows-based workstation.
avast! 4 Professional Edition is a complete ICSA certified antivirus
software for your company. It obtained VB100% awards in 2002/4 Virus
Bulletin comparative reviews.
avast! scans for viruses, worms and Trojans: On Demand - with two User
Interfaces, On Access, E-mail, during Boot Time, in File Explorer and
Screen Saver. It maintains Virus Chest. Protects E-mail, HTTP, NNTP,
ICQ, mIRC, Kazaa etc. True incremental updates based on iAVS technology
updates twice a week virus definition file.
avast! Home/Professional now fully supports the 64-bit Windows and Vista platforms.
- Antivirus kernel
- Simple User Interface
- Enhanced User Interface
- Resident protection
- Script Blocker (Professional Edition only
- P2P and IM Shields
- Network Shield
- Web Shield
- Automatic updates
- PUSH updates
- Virus Chest
- System integration
- Command-line scanner
- Integrated Virus Cleaner
- Support for 64-bit Windows / Vista
- Internationalization
*** Antivirus Kernel
New version of avast! antivirus kernel features outstanding detection
abilities, together with high performance. You can expect 100%
detection of In-the-Wild viruses (the ones what are really spreading
amongst people) and very good detection of Trojan horses, all that with
only a minimum number of false alarms.
The kernel was certified by ICSA; it frequently takes part in the tests
of Virus Bulletin magazine, often yielding the VB100 award.
*** Simple User Interface
Simple User Interface is used to start on-demand scanning, work with
the results, change various options etc. Basic resident protection
settings can be modified here. Simple User Interface is the main
application of avast! 4 Home Edition. You can start additional avast!
modules from here, such as the Virus Chest, Updater or Log Viewer.
*** Enhanced User Interface
Unlike the Simple User Interface, the scanning is performed by so
called "tasks". First, you define a task, including various parameters
- areas to scan, what to scan, how to scan, etc. Having the task, you
can (possibly repeatedly) run it. Each task generates a list of
results; you can work with them later.
*** Resident protection
Resident protection, i.e. the real-time protection of the computer, is
one of the most important parts of an antivirus program today. avast!
features a powerful resident module that is able to detect the virus
before it has any chance to infect your computer.
E-mail protection consists of two independent modules; first, there is
a generic scanner working on the SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 protocol level. It is
capable of protecting any existing e-mail client that uses these
protocols. Second, there is a special plugin for MS Outlook only; it is
completely transparent, requiring no special settings.
New feature of version 4 is heuristic analysis of e-mail scanners. It
is extremely useful in protecting against new, unknown viruses and
worms that are not possible to detect by the usual means. The heuristic
module performs a thorough investigation of every e-mail message and
watches for suspicious signs that might announce virus presence. When
the number of those signs exceeds the user-defined level, the message
is considered dangerous and the user is warned.
*** Script Blocker
The resident protection of the Professional Edition includes an
additional module, not contained in the Home Edition - Script Blocker.
This module watches all the scripts being executed in the operating
system (so called WSH scripts - Windows Scripting Host). It also scans
all the scripts run as a part of a web page within your web browser
(Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Mozilla).
*** Automatic updates
Automatic updates are another key point in virus protection. Both the
virus database and the program itself can be updated automatically.
*** PUSH updates
A special feature of the Professional Edition are PUSH updates. It is a
dramatic change in the philosophy of updates. Usually, every installed
program checks every now and then whether a new version is available.
PUSH updates, however, are initialized by our server; they result in
your computer quickly responding and performing the necessary update.
The system is based on the SMTP protocol, i.e. on usual e-mail
messages. The updates itself are controlled by the avast! resident
e-mail providers (MS Outlook and Internet Mail).
*** Virus Chest
The main properties of the Virus Chest are complete isolation from the
rest of the operating system (no outside process, i.e. no virus either,
may access the files inside) and the fact that the files inside the
Chest may not be run (i.e. there is no danger in storing viruses there).
*** System integration
avast! antivirus features outstanding integration into your system. The
scanning can be started directly from Windows Explorer, by clicking a
folder or a file with your right mouse button and selecting the
corresponding choice from the menu.
Another interesting feature is a special screen-saver that performs
scanning for viruses during its run-time. avast! antivirus works
together with your favorite screen-saver, so you don't have to change
to anything you wouldn't like.
Another new option is the boot-time scan (Windows NT/2000/XP/.NET
only). It is important in the case that a virus is suspected to be
active on your computer. The boot-time scan is performed before the
virus may get activated, so the virus cannot influence the scanning in
any way.
*** Command-line scanner
Experienced users may like another Professional Edition feature -
command-line scanner. The scanning can be controlled by many arguments
and switches; to use as a pipe filter, a special STDIN/STDOUT mode is
The module is intended to be used in BATCH programs. Its output is the
same as the output from the Enhanced User Interface tasks (including
the report files).
Changes in Version 4.7.1001, April 30, 2007:
- Professional Edition: fixed installation of the ScriptBlocker module
which could have previously caused various problems (e.g. in Internet
- program installation now completes successfully even if Spyware
Doctor is installed (the "OnGuard" module of Spyware Doctor contains a
bug that was previously preventing the avast installation from working
- program installation now better handles the situation when repairing previous (corrupted) installs
- mail scanner: fix for marking of new emails as "read" (the problem
was taking place in Thunderbird 2.0 in conjunction with some IMAP
- fix for scanning of areas with East Asian names (Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista)
- added Armadillo unpacker